The Letter of Introduction

This website contains my digital portfolio for English 110. The Letter of Introduction, The Source Based Essay, The Inquiry Based Essay, the Composition in Two Genres are all included in this digital portfolio.

Writing allows you to express yourself while also efficiently communicating with your reader. There are many different genres of writing, and they all transmit messages to readers in distinct manners. Genre, Audience, Stance, Rhetorical Situation, Author, Audience, Tone, Purpose, Genre, Medium, and Language are all important terms in writing. Many writers find it helpful to develop  a “theory of writing” as they learn, work, and grow. Theory is writing is a description of what we consider writing to be, as well as how our own writing techniques have worked in the past, are working currently, and may continue in the future. As a freshman at CCNY, my perspective on writing has evolved throughout the semester. This English class has taught me new writing skills, such as how to write the Inquiry Based essay, the Source Based Essay, Rhetorical analysis, how to organize an essay, and how to learn from my mistakes, all of which I will apply in future assignments and classes. For each essay, I followed the guidelines and learned from them. I’ve discovered how to be innovative while yet getting across a clear message to my audience. Not only will my writing theory be beneficial in future essays, but it will also be valuable in other genres of writing. As I take more classes and write more, my writing theory will continue to evolve.

You might be intrigued in how my writing theory has progressed throughout the course of the semester. My theory of writing has mostly developed from the inquiry-based essay. The inquiry based essay was about my research topic and my question, “How did religious values evolve through generations in America?” For this essay I was able to write 8 pages with great analysis and evidence to support my research question. “As someone who has lived in the United States their whole life, I have been exposed to a slew of religions, from Christianity to Islam to Hinduism and much more. Still, the most interesting take away from it all is how much these individuals value their religion, regardless of what religion it is. How do these values affect individuals’ morals, practices, and beliefs? While these observations are intriguing, they made me think even more that religious values vary depending on what generation you are a part of. This thought finally made me formulate my question, and I want to know how these values changed overtime.” This is an exemplar from my opening paragraph. This demonstrates how I became immersed in the subject and connected it to my experiences living in the United States. This would be an excellent example of analysis, and I look to be rather knowledgeable on the subject. Often freshmen students find writing at the university level to be quite difficult. English 110 has taught me a lot of knowledge over the course of this semester, and the Theory of Writing represents my improvement in this class.

Time management, particularly while writing papers, is one of the areas where I should improve. I have to work on improving my analysis, which has always been a minor roadblock for me while writing essays. In the future, I will make every effort to enhance these components.